The internet of things

The internet of things is a very hard concept for me to try and wrap my head around. This is due to the fact that it involves everyday household items communicating with each other. For example, the carpet will tell the vacuum that it needs to be cleaned, and the vacuum will respond accordingly. Crazy.... Continue Reading →

Welcome to the social media revolution

Social media today has the uncanny ability to affect literally anything it wants to affect- as long as enough people are on board. Netflix for example announced a change in pricing structure, and was revolted against, resulting in a loss of 800,000 customers. And this happened very very quickly. If you didn't understand the power... Continue Reading →

What is it actually like to be hacked?

Personally, I have never been faced with the frightening reality in which some unlucky people go through- getting hacked. This has the potential to be a very minor, insignificant thing, or turn out to be the ultimate worst thing to happen to someone. A minor incident for example, would be something along the lines of:... Continue Reading →

Hacker culture…

A modern day hacker in today's society is seen to think very highly of him or herself, and that in itself has turned into a meme. a modern day "hacker" may give themselves that title by simply using a computer that is previously already logged into someone else's Facebook account. Posts such as "I love... Continue Reading →


Let's continue to talk about open and closed phone platforms! This has been a debate seemingly since both phones were released. Which software superior? Which leads to the most viruses? And which can I get more out of? All these questions have more than one answer, in which people in favour of either phone company... Continue Reading →

The Feudalisation of the Internet

Liquid Labour. what is it? Well, it is surrounded around the idea that workers should mainly be flexible in an evolving world, so that the profitability of their companies is benefitted. You may wonder how certain websites or YouTube channels keep on going, when the viewer is able to enjoy them for free. The answer... Continue Reading →

The Long Tail Effect

The theory of the Long Tail is that "our culture and economy is increasingly shifting away from a focus on a relatively small number of "hits" the head of the demand curve and toward a huge number of niches in the tail" Chris Anderson explained the long tail effect in 2004, which is apparently the... Continue Reading →

Where does power truly reside?

"Power does not reside in institutions, not even the state or large corporations. It is located in the networks that structure society . . ." Networks, believe it or not, are really, truly important. Our society has encountered this online era in which nearly everything we do has been documented in some way online. This... Continue Reading →

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